Student Travel Award

Nature of the Award

The award shall consist of a check for $500.

Purpose of the Award

The purpose of the award is to assist a student in a Master’s or doctoral program in attending the ASIS&T Annual Meeting by defraying travel expenses.


  • Applicants must be ASIS&T members at the time of application with preference given to those who are SIG ED members. (If you are not a member, you can join now. See the welcome page to learn how.)
  • Applicants must be currently enrolled in a graduate (doctoral or Master’s) program.
  • Applicants may not have previously won the SIG ED graduate student travel award.


The SIG ED Student Travel Award is sponsored by SIG ED and is administered by the SIG ED Award Jury comprised of the Chair, Chair-Elect(s), and Program Coordinator of SIG ED.


  • Applicants for the 2016 Travel Award should submit the following items, by email, to the SIG ED Award Jury at  by the deadline of July 15, 2016.
  • Applications should include:
    • A cover letter including name, address, phone number, email address, academic affiliation. The cover letter should identify the attached statements as being submitted specifically for this award.
    • A curriculum vitae.
    • A 300-word statement on why Annual Meeting attendance will benefit the student in his/her pursuit of a future career.


The deadline for the 2016 Travel Award application is July 15, 2016.


The content of the 300-word statement expressing the student’s need to attend the Annual Meeting will be appraised in terms of originality, clarity of expression, and how successfully the student addresses the relevance of attending the Annual Meeting as a means to a career. This appraisal will be coupled with an assessment of where the greatest financial need falls among applicants as evidenced by the CV.

Submitted 300-word statements will be scored on a 100-point scale, with a maximum of 75 points awarded based on content and originality, and 25 points based on clarity of expression.The winner of the travel award will be determined by the highest average scores on the statement and the strongest indication of financial need. In the event of a tie, those submissions will be re-evaluated and re-averaged.

The Jury Chair will write a brief statement documenting the final decision and notify the winner prior to the annual meeting.

Previous Winners

2015: Christian James

2014: Stan Trembach

2013: Liya Deng

2012: Chris Cunningham and Mirna Turcios

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